Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kitten In The Bathtub

It is Tuesday morning, the 18th of December 2007 at approx 7-30am

I have a story to share with you,,

You see I have a bathroom, with a bathtub, and a shower that is over and within the bathtub, and when I have a shower I put the plug in to the bathtub to save the water to then take it out to water my plants.

For those that don’t realise we are on water restrictions and we are not allowed to over use our valuable water, even for our plants.

Well you see I hadn’t taken the water out at the time.

I had to use the bathroom and the kittens thought they would follow me, well one of them decided she wanted to jump up onto the bathtub now didn’t she, what a surprise she got…I am still laughing as I write as it was so funny at the time.

She jumped in the bathtub, water and all and jumped out that fast she kinda climbed the wall to get out and here is me sitting there watching all this happen and I just cracked up laughing.

I am sorry puss but it was funny.

She scrambled out of the water and ran out of the bathroom.

She knocked a few things down in her process of “let me out of this place”.

Well then she peeked around the corner and then sat on a towel and she was cleaning herself dry, just one side of her got all wet, so I guess you can say that was her first half bath..

I have a feeling she will think twice before jumping up on the bathtub, but I will get a board and put it over the bathtub so it doesn’t happen again, for her sake.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kittens Have a New Home

Kittens Images

Hi, to who ever is reading this?

I sure hope you’re having a wonderful day or night wherever you may be.
Well as you may have read from my previous writing “Kittens Galore” we found some kittens in my carport of the back yard.

I was doing some research on the internet for kitten information and I came across a website for classifieds, I found an advertisement from a lady that takes kittens in and helps them to find new homes, so the 3 largest kittens went with her.

Before the lady came to pick up the 3 kittens I took some photos, I even recorded them purring away as they sat and cuddled on my chest, they nuzzled my cheek and nose with so much affection it brought tears to my eyes and heart knowing I won’t see them again and I was hoping they will be ok.

I spoke to Mitchell about keeping 2 of the kittens as he said he wanted to keep one, and from doing some research as to exactly what is involved in the caring of cats, I talked to him about the responsibility etc.

I asked Mitchell if I die is he going to take care of them as they may out live me, both Mitchell and his girlfriend Tanya said they would and I am sure they may change their mind so I will look for alternatives as for the care of the cats to be, if Mitchell and Tanya decide not to take them.

Mitchell and I decided to keep the two smallest ones which by the way are females, he named his one Lucy and me I can’t think of a name as yet, so in the end all the kittens have a home and now they won’t be put to sleep and the ones we keep they are definitely being desexed.

Our animal services put kittens to sleep if there under 4 weeks of age as apparently they get sick.

Well I guessed I proved them wrong because the vet told me the kittens would have been 4 weeks and under when I found them.

And he said they are in good condition, their eating, playing, sleeping, and gaining weight, I even managed to toilet train them, most of all they have a nice warm home with lots of loving care.

Mitchell and I are weighing all of them today Wednesday the 8th of August 2007, he noticed the little one he picked out is not so skinny and you can’t feel its ribs, so I guess that’s a good thing, he said its got a belly now LOL.

I put different coloured nail polish on their tails so I can identify them.
Blue 360grams
Gold 400grams
Pink 520grams
Purple 500 grams

Sunday 12th August 2007 we weighed the kittens once again
Blue 400 grams
Gold 460 grams
Pink 580 grams
Purple 520 grams
Last Kitten 640 grams

I took the kittens to the vet for a check over today and they got weighed again,
Blue (Lucy) 440 grams
Gold 500 grams.

We took some photos after we weighed them, when I get them developed I will add them here too.

Kitten Images over there ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Kittens Galore

Kittens Images

Kittens Galore

One of my Maltese/Shitzu male dog was in the backyard barking, I went out to take a look to see what he was going off at but I couldn’t see nothing, so I came back in side, he would do this on a daily basis for about a week I think, I checked and I couldn’t see what all the commotion was about, then one day I saw this grey cat sitting on top of a type cupboard under my carport, it was just sleeping not doing anything much, so I let it be, I had no idea at the time whether it was male or female.

I thought my dog was barking at the stray cat sun baking in the sun on the cupboard, I told my son about it and we never really thought anymore of it, I wasn’t feeding the cat it was just a stray, I thought maybe the cat liked to annoy the dog or maybe it was making a new friend.

I thought to myself when I heard the dog going crazy on more than one occasions, next time my son and his girlfriend are here I will ask them to check the carport just in case it was something else and at the time I thought the cat may have had kittens or something.

It is Sunday the 5th August 2007, about 1pm in the afternoon, my son Mitchell rang me to let me know he was coming home from being at his girlfriends and his girlfriend Tanya was coming as well and said they were coming here to help me at home, I said naa its ok, stay there cause I wasn’t feeling very well and I was going to have a rest, I was sick with some viral infection and I was getting like fevers and I was tired from the sickness.

Well they came anyways and I remembered I was going to ask them to check the carport area of where our dog had been barking, at first they couldn’t see anything and Tanya being so tiny was able to get around the boxes of stuff, so they both (Mitchell & Tanya) shuffled things around to try and see what our dog had been barking at and what did she find, a kitten, a tiny little grey kitten that was approx 4 weeks old I guess, I have no idea really.

Tanya was able to catch the tiny kitten and pass it to Mitchell, Mitchell said straight away, mum its all boney and skinny, I thought because it hadn’t been fed properly except from its mother for the kitten to be so under weight, the kitten was shaking from terror, Mitchell also claimed this tiny kitten as his, LOL, he even named it, the tiny kitten had never seen a human except for that loud mouth little dog of ours that kept barking all the time and disturbing its sleep..lol I had to say that because I could imagine the kitten thinking this from all the darn barking he had done to let me know something was in his back yard.

I asked Tanya to check if there were anymore kittens around, and she couldn’t see anymore.

Well we took the kitten inside and I started to get it some food and warm animal milk that I had on hand.

While I was doing this our dog was going even crazier with his barking so I asked both Tanya and Mitchell to come and check to see if there is any more kittens just in case.

We put the first little kitten in a box while we checked outside.

Well they moved some boxes around once again and then Tanya would get all excited and say I found one with the biggest smile on her face, so she got the second kitten and passed it to Mitchell, he would snuggle it and make it feel safe and warm, then I asked her to keep looking as I had a feeling there was more, well she did, and yes two more kitten were found and yes Tanya got all excited and happy she found two more kittens with the biggest smile on her face again, Mitchell gave me the one he had and then Tanya passed the next two to Mitchell, then Tanya checked to see if there was anymore, I was hoping no more, heavens I didn’t even own a cat and now I got 4 of them.

Tanya couldn’t hear or see anymore so we went inside, kittens in arms so to speak and the three kittens we had, was now joined back with the first one that was found.
I went and got the food I was preparing in the beginning for the kittens, dunked there heads/noses kind of to give them the smell and taste of food and milk, they was hungry little blighters cause they got stuck into the food and milk, they really enjoyed it by the looks.

I worked it out why the first one we found was so tiny; it was what is called the runt of the litter or the last kitten that was born.

Well gee now I had no cats at the beginning of my day and now I got 4 of them.

Well I rang my local vet and I told him what had happened and he said it is normal for a mother cat to have her babies in a stranger’s house, and may be she liked my home as to have her babies in amongst my junk so to speak.

He also mentioned that if the owners of the mother cat did not look after her she will go elsewhere to have her babies, or she could have been a stray.

He did say to feed her to help her get her strength back and to try and catch her to see if she is micro chipped to then notify the owners.

So you may as well say I got 5 cats to feed now.

The vet said everything I was doing to help the kittens was right, with the special milk for baby animals and what I was feeding them with, I had a tin of tuna in the cupboard so I gave the kittens some of that, it would have been their first meal I guess, apart from what the mother cat was giving them.

The vet also gave me some emergency phone numbers of animal rescue but he said I don’t like your chances as there is so many cats now a days, I guess like a rabbit plague,I really didn’t want the kittens to be put to sleep.

Well I had to find a bigger box now didn’t I, and I did, Tanya wanted to keep one of the kittens but her mum said no, as soon as I can I will take some pics of the kittens for you all to see if you wish.

I went online to do some research on kittens and looking after them once again, I found on a website it said to use clay kitty litter for kittens and then I went to read about just how much is involved in looking after cats again, I have always been a dog person in my adult life, my mum was the cat person when I was a teenager, we had kittens all the time, I learnt from my teen days how to deliver animals and what to do then.

Well I brushed up on my knowledge and I knew what we now needed.

Monday afternoon Mitchell went to the shops for me after he finished TAFE for the day and bought some real kitten food (soft), kitten dry biscuits, CLAY kitty litter.
What I ended up doing for feeding time, as I didn’t want a mess in my house from the kittens learning their new ways, I put them in my bathtub that was pre lined with a plastic liner then lots of newspaper, put the food down first and their drink in a saucer type tray, for one to three meals to give them confidence and strength, then the next day I added a tray with the kitty litter and Mitchell took them in one at a time to use their kitty litter.

I used a plastic tray I had here for the litter tray, I was amazed how the kittens knew exactly what it was for and when to use it, Mitchell said to me, mum there using the kitty litter, I was like wow that is excellent.

And now I am feeding them 4 times a day, and I am going to weight them, maybe the vet can tell me how old they may be.

I remembered reading about animals coming into your life for a reason, Animal Totems reflect your hidden gifts, offer teachings that empower and heal, so I had these websites added to my favourites and I went to read about CATS.

Please read my next page of writing to learn about Animal Totems

Kitten Images over there ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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